Re: Simple GDK app segfaults for unknown reason


i'd say you forgot to end the call with a NULL. also, as far as i know
the standard way to use GError is to have a 'GError *error;' variable
and then pass the pointer to it. in your case:

GError *error = NULL;
GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file("input.jpg", &error);
gdk_pixbuf_save(pixbuf, "output.bmp", "bmp", &error, NULL);

but of course it doesn't make sense to use GError if you don't look at
the error variable afterwards; e.g. to display the error message if
there was an error and free the error variable with g_error_free. i use
in my projects a function to check GErrors (called every time i used a
function that i passed a GError to):

   Print the contents of a GError (if it was set).
   If abort_program is TRUE, we free the memory
   and exit the game.
   @param error The GError we check.
   @param abort_program Whether or not we continue or exit the program.
misc_print_error(GError **error, gboolean abort_program)
    if(*error == NULL)
    g_warning("error message: %s\n", (*error)->message);
    *error = NULL;

        main_exit_program(EXIT_PRINT_ERROR, NULL);

i hope i could help.


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