Re: GtkTreeView only displays one column

In <20060109205755 GH30092 potato>, you wrote:

On Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 02:23:08PM +0000, Tony Houghton wrote:

I've distilled my code down to a standalone program. Hopefully now
someone else will easily be able to play with it and see what's wrong.

The column becomes visible when you
(a) do not set sizing mode to GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED
(b) actually give the first column a fixed width > 0 with
While that makes kind of sense I cannot say I understand
the logic behind... but I hope it helps anyway.

Yes, I've just discovered that trying to use fixed sizes is the cause of
the problem and that the sizing seems OK if I just ignore it altogether.

TH *

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