Re: Embedding in icon into an executable

On Thu, 9 Feb 2006 16:07:01 -0500
Gorshkov <listsubscriptions oghma on ca> wrote:

Hopefully, this is the last silly question I have to ask before I can get down 
to some serious programming ......

OK. I've linked my programme (Thanks Tor). I've gotten rid of the ($#&(*$#@ 
DOS window (Thanks Tor & Georg).

Now ..... how do I add an icon for the programme, so that this icon shows when 
browsing the files, when mimimised on the task bar, etc?

I'm pretty sure I have to deal with *.rc files and windres, but I've been 
unable to find anything regarding rc file format, or anything else specific 
enough to show me whee to go.

Can give me an explination, or point me towards an example?

rc file should contain a line with
1 ICON "someicon.ico"

then compile resource to binary form

windres icon.rc icon.o

then just link this module with your application

HuamiSoft Hubert Sokolowski
tel. +48501456743

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