Re: defective GTK app crashes gnome

On 2/6/06, Michael Torrie <torriem chem byu edu> wrote:
This is new news to me.  The only thing that I know of that would make a
machine lock up so as to require a reboot is a memory leak or some
obscure X11 bug.

Actually, i've had several problems with X freezing up because of some
misbehaviour from some graphical app.  The keyboard is locked so it's
hopeless to try CTRL+ALT+BKSP

When the system locks up, is the computer still alive?  Can you ssh into

that's the problem: most desktop Linux users can't ssh login from
another machine into the problematic one...

So, Linux is rock-solid stable, but you should have ssh-server running
and a spare client machine for eventual problems with graphical
apps... :)

I don't even know the relevancy of this to this list, since it's
unlikely to be a GTK problem...

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