Re: Adding custom buttons to a scrolled window

On 12/6/06, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <mickeyl linuxtogo org> wrote:
>> Basically what I'd need is to get a GtkScrolledWindow but make it talk
>> to my scrollbars, not to its.

> That's (almost) exactly what happens if you put two scrollbars and a
> viewport into a table.

I see. Last question then... what if I have widgets that are
scrollable on their own like e.g. a GtkTreeView. Those not only don't
need a viewport, but also emit very strange scrolling effects if you
do stick them into a viewport anyhow.

:-( sorry, no idea, never tried putting a treeview into a viewport. I
guess the scrolledwindow sources would give clues about the right way
to fix it.


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