Re[2]: Adding custom buttons to a scrolled window

John Cupitt wrote:
On 12/6/06, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <mickeyl linuxtogo org> wrote:
I need to implement a version of a GtkScrolledWindow that
features a custom button as part of the scrollbar. Please find a

Your graphic got lost (put it on a webpage and post a link), but the
usual answer to these questions is to use a table to do the layout.

Understood - thanks.

Put two scrollbars plus a viewport in a table and add any other
buttons you need. Make your work area the child of the viewport.
Connect the scrollbar adjustments to the viewport.

Will that do everything that embedding a child widget in a
GtkScrolledWindow can do? gtkscrolledwindow.c is twice as large as
gtkviewport.c -- what does it more?

Basically what I'd need is to get a GtkScrolledWindow but make it talk
to my scrollbars, not to its.


Michael 'Mickey' Lauer | IT-Freelancer |

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