Re: GtkMenu doesn't recognize it's parents?

"Jim George" <jimgeorge gmail com> writes:

Am I doing something wrong? Is this a glade bug? I noticed this in
programs which use glade code-generation as well as libglade. Or could
it be because the popup menu is a top-level window in it's own

Yes, the menu is a toplevel window in its own right, so it doesn't
have a parent. 

You can get at the parent menubar this way:

        GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu)->parent_menu_shell

but see below for a better way.

I need a pointer to the parent window to which this menu belongs,
since the window has a structure with information, added using
g_object_set_data. Is there some other way to do this?

The usual way to pass data to a callback is to pass it at signal
connection time:

   g_signal_connect (menu_item, "activated", 
                     G_CALLBACK (on_about_cb),

The main window will then be passed as "data" in the on_about_cb
function. I am not sure you can do this when adding event handlers
through glade, so you'll have to not do that.

Instead use libglade and manually connec whatever signal connections
you need.


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