Re: The dial's pointer looks like a sawtooth,how to render it ?

For a very good, up-to-date, and GObject-based widget written using
cairo, check out this tutorial:


On 8/29/06, David Nečas (Yeti) <yeti physics muni cz> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 29, 2006 at 04:17:50PM +0800, chao yeaj wrote:
>         In the Gtk+2.0 tutorial,there is a dial widget

The GtkDial part of the tutorial is deprecated and should
not be used when writing new widgets[*].  It is not GObject
based at all, it uses functions like gtk_widget_draw() and
IIRC the widget is functionally broken too.

I suggest to read the text with a grain of salt, ignoring
the code altogether and looking at the corresponding code of
a real modern Gtk+ widget instead.

[*] This is not an `official' statement, it's just
a paraphrase of what Gtk+ documentation says about the
methods used.

>        When i enlarge it,  the pointer's like a sawtooth,

I don't observe anything like this.  However the dial
pointer is drawn with gtk_draw_polygon() (another deprecated
function), therefore the look can be very theme dependent.


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