Re: resource sizes with gdk-pixbuf-csource

On 8/7/06, tomas tuxteam de <tomas tuxteam de> wrote:
On Mon, Aug 07, 2006 at 09:21:26AM -0500, Matt Hoosier wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to use gdk-pixbuf-csource for the usual reasons (to eliminate
> runtime file access in an application).
>                     Is this just the best I can get, or is there some
> more tricky way to make the tool just insert a bytewise copy of the
> image file, and let the pixbuf do all decoding at runtime?

Well, the PNG has quiote a few compression tricks which have to be
undone when reading it (unless you can send it down to the X server
as-is). So I'd guess that the "bytewise copy of the image file", like
what is in the program image is more like what csource does. When you
read in the image, it will get expanded anyway.

Yes, understood. It would be nice to avoid the expansion until actual
use, so that the process's address space isn't inflated for images
that are only occassionally used. There's also the consideration the
the binary's disk footprint grows, which is significant when dealing
with embedded apps.

-- tomás

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