Re: can't ercieve data passed to g_signal_connect

 GtkEventBox **eventt;
 GtkWidget* create_window1 (void)
 eventt                 = g_new0 (GtkWidget * , tab_count);
     for (iter =  1 ; iter <= tab_count ; iter++)
        eventt[iter]=GTK_EVENT_BOX(gtk_event_box_new());    // create the event box
         data1 = g_strdup_printf(" %d ",iter) ;
         g_print("\n at signal connect string --> %s ",data1);
         g_signal_connect ((gpointer)eventt[iter],"leave_notify_event", G_CALLBACK (mouse_leave1),data1);
         g_signal_connect ((gpointer)eventt[iter],"button_press_event", G_CALLBACK (tab_click1), data1);      
         g_signal_connect ((gpointer)eventt[iter],"enter_notify_event", G_CALLBACK (tab_mouse_enter1) , 
 void tab_click1(GtkWidget *widget,gchar* data1)
     gchar *data_1 = (gchar*)data1;
     unsigned long int val = strtol(data1,NULL,10) ;
     g_print("%s data1\n",data1);
     g_print("%d val1\n",val);
     tab_modifier(1) ;
 actually what i am doing is this:
 i have declared an array of GtkWidget for Eventboxes since i get the number at run time from a database in 
tab_count (using sqlite3 as database)
 now i want to connect their signals to the same function as i don't know the number at the design time so 
can't give that many functions and respective statements 
 the data passe through the signal handler will diferentiate the id of the event box that generated the event.
 also same function can handle the multiple connect from various controls as it works well in case of first 
connect here which is used to change the mouse over cursor 
 i never recieve the argument that i send.
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