Re: ExtTextOut + Pango question

On Thu, 20 Apr 2006, nerdy wrote:


I would like to know if there is any provision in pango to
display a given text within a given clipping rectangle and
starting at given position. Something like the the ExtTextOut
function in MFC Windows API.

Pango itself doesn't do cliping, but almost all of its backends
do.  With cairo backend for example, all you need to do is to set
up a cairo clip, move_to, and render the pango layout.


BOOL ExtTextOut(
  HDC hdc,          // handle to DC
  int X,            // x-coordinate of reference point
  int Y,            // y-coordinate of reference point
  UINT fuOptions,   // text-output options
  CONST RECT* lprc, // optional dimensions
  LPCTSTR lpString, // string
  UINT cbCount,     // number of characters in string
  CONST INT* lpDx   // array of spacing values


"Commandment Three says Do Not Kill, Amendment Two says Blood Will Spill"
        -- Dan Bern, "New American Language"

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