GtkTreeView: speed optimization with display problems

In the search of optimizing the code i have written to populate a treeview, 
I've stumbled to the following problems:

The insertion (>1000 rows) in the treemodel i get it to be blazing fast but 
when i attach/reattach the model to the view there is a big delay before the 
display is drawn/redrawn (about 0.5 sec). This problem is not from my code, 
is gtk's fault, but that isn't a excuse to tell the users of my software, 
isn't it ? So i have to do some future optimizations so i could get a 
application to respond much faster, so the delay between attaching the 
model, and gtk drawing the view to be acceptable. 

Reading the gtk tree view api, i found this function : 

gtk_tree_view_set_fixed_height_mode (). 
Enables or disables the fixed height mode of *tree_view*. Fixed height 
mode speeds up GtkTreeView<file:///usr/share/gtk-doc/html/gtk/GtkTreeView.html>by assuming that all rows 
have the same height. Only enable this option if 
all rows are the same height and all columns are of type 

 Ok so this is great, it gives me the speed bust that i wanted, all the rows 
of my treeview are the same height, but ... the GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED 
freaks me out, i don't want that :(, it messes out with my view real bad, 
I'll explain why:

I have X columns, for the first column i set it's `expand` property to 
`true` so it can expand and all the X-1 columns stand on the right of the 
view. You can take a look at this picture to see what i mean: ( `File` is expanded, 
`Size` and `Date` are on the right side). If i set the sizing of the columns 
to GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED, the first column (`File` in the picture) 
expands and covers all the other columns, to be more precise : first column 
gets all the treeview width, the other X-1 columns are set to 0 width. I 
could use gtk_tree_view_column_set_min_width() to this column so they won't 
be 0 sized, but this is't a valid option as i the min size that i wants 
depends on the font size and other parameters that i can't know.

My question: is there a way to use gtk_tree_view_set_fixed_height_mode(), 
without setting the sizing of the columns to GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED, or 
is there a way to get rid of the 0 width behavior. 
Razvan Gavril
razvan gavril gmail com

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