Win32 Compilers

Mike Friedrichs AkerKvaerner com writes:
I realize gtk+ binaries are available for win32. Does this imply
that binaries are compatible with only MSVC?

No. They are built with mingw (i.e., gcc). They work fine also with
code built with MSVC6.

(The binaries use msvcrt.dll. They presumably should also be
compatible with code built with current versions of MSVC as long as
you don't use API that pass or return file descriptors (the small
numbers returned by open() and passed to read() etc) or FILE
pointers. Note that file descriptors are specific to the C runtime
used, so the file descriptor g_mkstemp() for instance returns wont
have the same meaning in a caller that doesn't use the same C

or even Open Watcom?

No idea about Open Watcom, sorry. Does it use its own C runtime, or
what? Are its calling conventions and struct packing the same as


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