Activating GtkEntryCompletions with the keyboard

     I have a GtkEntry[0] that stores previously typed values and uses
GtkEntryCompletion so that these previously typed values can be
recalled. Everything works fine, but the completions displayed must be
selected with the mouse. I would like the Tab key to select completions,
just as it works in Firefox, for example, but I couldn't find an easy
way to do that. The only thing I found was this bugzilla entry
( for which there are
no comments.

[0]Actually, a GtkEntry that is a part of a custom implementation of a
Combo box, but this is irrelevant as the same behaviour happens in the
completion sample of gtk-demo.

November, n.:
        The eleventh twelfth of a weariness.
                -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

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