Programming style

Hello all,

I have a few doubts about the way I code my GTK applications. One of
them is: Is it ok to use many global variables for the widgets? For
example, in a glade app where callbacks are of the form

void callback(GtkWIdget *widget)

I can only have access to the widget that received the signal, but
what if I want to make it change a property of another widget? Should
I use a global variable or should I try getting the toplevel widget
and then decending to the "neighbour" widget I want to make changes

Also, what is the best way to get those "neighbour" widgets, if that
is the case? On a programa I'm writing, I had to do the following:

hostname = (char *) gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(((GtkBoxChild *)

That doesn't look very neat, does it?

In the case of a Glade app again, is it ok to have my GladeXML
variable global or is that a bad programming style?

Thanks a lot,


César Leonardo Blum Silveira
Graduando em Ciência da Computação - Unisinos
Centro de Simulação de Humanos Virtuais
MSN: cesarbs490 _at_ msn _dot_ com
ICQ: 170861826

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