Multithreading and GTK widgets


I am converting my program to use multiple threads: the primary thread for the GTK stuff, and the worker 
threads for all the time-consuming work that will be performed in the background. The GUI thread takes input 
from the user and copies it to a global, shared, synchronized data pool which the worker threads monitor. The 
workers, in turn, invoke GTK functions to write the results to some list/tree views.

The problem I have run into is that the list/tree views are not updating properly. They only show a portion 
of the data which has been written to their models. If I minimize the app window and then restore it, the 
missing data appears. What am I doing wrong, and what should I do to resolve it?

I would have the GUI thread update the list/tree models, but the GUI thread spends most of its time sitting 
in gtk_main.

Thanks in advance,

 - Michael Matthews


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