Re: redirecting output to a file with g_spawn_async

Colossus wrote:
        g_io_channel_read_line ( ioc, &line, NULL, NULL, NULL );
        if (line != NULL )
            fwrite ( line, 1, strlen(line) , fd );
            g_free (line);

Come on, read this code carefully: If you assume that you alway extract
text-only data, it's ok. But in all other case, you read in a line
and write the data from line buffer start to the first including null
byte to fd. That is really not what you want.

Use a not text file base read methode like g_io_channel_read_chars()
then read into a fixed size buffer and write all read bytes into the
final file.

gchar buf[4096];
gsize read_bytes;
GError *err = NULL;
g_io_channel_read_chars(ioc, buf, sizeof(buf), &read_bytes, &err);
if ( err != NULL && read_bytes > 0)
    fwrite(buf, sizeof(gchar), read_bytes, fd);
/* you may add more error handling here */

Cheers, Andy

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