z-order of gtk windows on win32

Starting from my app's main window, the user can create an additional window displaying a graph. The newly-opened graph window "naturally" appears above the main window. It is created using


From the graph window in turn, the user can call up a graph-editing
dialog, which appears on top of the graph.  The dialog is done with


When the graph-editing dialog is closed, I expect the graph window to remain above the original, main window. This is what happens on Linux, but not on win32 (same code). On Windows, when you close the graph-editing dialog, the app's main window snaps on top of the graph window, which is quite annoying (you can't see the changes you just made, without clicking on the graph window to raise it again).

I have tried explicitly setting the dialog's gtk window as "transient for" the graph window, but this doesn't change the behavior.

Is there any other gtk window-controlling option that I'm missing here? Thanks.

Allin Cottrell
Wake Forest University

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