Re: Inner window size issue

Nikolaj Kiær Thygesen wrote:

      How on earth do I open a window containing a couple of widgets,
      one of which is a ScrolledWindow?? This ScrolledWindow displays
      an image, and now I'd like to fit the size of the ScrolledWindow
      to the size of the image in pixels.

I have understood it like this: you have a GtkImage inside a
GtkScrolledWindow. The GtkScrolledWindow should be just large enough to
allow the GtkImage to be entirely visible, i.e. there is no need to
scroll the GtkImage (the contents of the GtkScrolledWindow).

Pardon me, but why is there a GtkScrolledWindow at all if you apparently
intend to avoid the need of scrolling inside the bitmap (because it's
entirely visible)? Wouldn't just removing the GtkScrolledWindow and
placing the GtkImage directly into the container fulfill your demand?

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