Re: example

On Mon, 2005-11-21 at 10:54 +0000, Axel Simon wrote:
On Mon, 2005-11-21 at 21:31 +1100, ashley maher wrote:

I have followed the gtk tree view tutorial at:

The tutorial is very good. However section: 3.5 deals with Retrieving
row data.

This works well for data to stdout.

However I can't see in the tutorial, nor has google helped, where to
find an example where the callback function does not deal with the data
directly but passes the data retrieved back to the main programme.

The example shows the "advanced" version of retrieving data, namely by
using a call back function. There is nothing that prevents you from
iterating through the model (with a GtkTreeIter) and call
gtk_tree_model_get directly on the model. That way you have the data
where you want it: in your main program.

I hope this is what you've asked for,

Thanks Alex,

It did give me a direction. I think you got two different tutorials
confused. I was referring to gtktree tutorial the advanced data
retrieval is in the gtk tutorial.

Specifically I need to return the value of a cell if and only if a row
has been double clicked.

Hence I've persevered with the call-back functions as suggested by the
gtktree-view tutorial.

So it occurred to me that a properly written c_handler should return the
data required. This has proven not so.

Specifically my attempt:

#define         STRCPY(x) strcpy(malloc(strlen(x)+1), x)
unsigned char   *s1;
g_signal_connect(treeview, "row-activated",
G_CALLBACK(gtree_onSelection), &s1);

return s1;

static void
gtree_onSelection (GtkTreeView *treeview, gpointer *data)
        GtkTreeSelection        *sel;
        GtkTreeIter             selected_row;   /* the iter I've been looking at */
        GtkTreeModel            *model;
        gchar                   *key;

        sel = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW(treeview));

        g_assert(gtk_tree_selection_get_mode(sel) == GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE);
        /* Check if a row is selected or not             */
        /* This will only work in SINGLE or BROWSE mode! */
        if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected(sel, &model, &selected_row))
                gtk_tree_model_get (model, &selected_row, 0, &key, -1);

                *data = STRCPY(key);

                printf ("Something\n\n");

Just is not getting me anywhere. Hence my question if somebody had a
working example somewhere as I expected it to be a common problem to
solve. I just hadn't come across a working example anywhere.

Of course if I've totally missed the point please feel free to be blunt.



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