Re: gtk win32 and env variables

Put this first:

#ifdef WIN32
#  include <windows.h>
#  include <winreg.h>

And latter in your code...

   #ifdef WIN32

    // Fallback value: data in working dir
    char dbpath[MAX_PATH]="data";

    HKEY hkResult;
    DWORD DataType;
    DWORD DataCount = MAX_PATH;

    // Open registry key
    if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\ \YouApp.exe",
                                        0 ,
                                        &hkResult ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )

         // Write registry key value to dbpath
RegQueryValueEx(hkResult, "dbpath", NULL, NULL, (unsigned char*) dbpath, &DataCount );


        char *dbpath = PACKAGE_DATA_DIR "/" PACKAGE "/data";


In any case, you now have dbpath pointer you can use.
Also, you can add some kind of arguments checking (so user can bypass this check with argument like -data-dir some/dir).

Goran Rakic

On 05.11.2005., at 15.22, Dan McMahill wrote:


Not sure if this is the right list or not for this question.

I have a gtk+ app developed for NetBSD/Linux/Solaris. I just ported it to windows with almost no pain thanks to gtk for win32. I even made an installer with NSIS. The problem I have though is that my program has 2 directories where it looks for some system data files at runtime. One of the ways it can find these directories is through the use of 2 environment variables. On a unix like system, those variables are usually not needed because a default path is put into the binary at compile time based on the configure options. On windows, it is easy for the user to pick a different place to install so I need to set those variables.

So my question is how do gtk apps ported to windows typically deal with something like that? Do I try and make the installer set some windows environmnet variables? Do I use some registry thing? Is that even supported in glib/gtk for win32? I'm really not a windows user at all, but know of a number of people interested in using my program on windows.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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