Re: State changing of Toggle Buttons

Michal Porzuczek wrote:


I was wondering if it is possible to set a Toggle Button's state to
something else when you are inside another Toogle Button's callback. I
know there is the gtk_toggle_button_set_active method but that
requires you to have the GtkToggleButton. Is there another method that
only uses the Widget to change its state? Or is there an easy way of
accessing the GtkToggleButton from the Widget?


You can pass the other toggle button as the user_data argument to the
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(toggle1), "toggled", G_CALLBACK(my_func),

You can use g_object_set_data to store a pointer to the other toggle in
the first toggle object, and the retrieve the pointer with

If you use glade, you can use its widget looking functions.

<Deek> Yes, America is a country based on how pissed-off a group of taxed
       people can get.
<Deek> We exist as a country because we're cheap.

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