Re: root windows

Dnia 26-05-2005, czw o godzinie 14:27 +0200, Hubert Sokołowski napisał:
Unless by "build of glade" you mean autogenerated C code, which is
bad, bad thing to use. Use libglade, really.
why it is bad? I use it and it works just fine and I don't have glade

Because it makes it impossible to later rework UI without rewriting the
code. In general, mixing autogenerated and hand-written code is always a
bad idea, and that's exactly what is being done here. Besides, it
hardcodes interface in code, which is also very bad thing.
Fortunately, glade-3 won't support generating C, making it painfully
obvious that libglade is the right thing.


Maciej Katafiasz <ml mathrick org>

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