Re: gtk_tree_model_get() --> when to free results???

Stefan Kost wrote:
Hi Olivier,

I've just browsed over the docs from glib, gobject and gtk. I though
these rules are somwhere in there, but I didn't found them. I've also
looked at

Now the question is where do the belong?

I fancy the idea of having a rules and conventions document (coding
practice) and install that among the other docs. Then libs that adhere
to these guide-line and just link that document in there introduction.

that would make sense indeed, especially if we can refer to the
conventions from any place where this is appropriate.

This only makes sense if we can come up with some more such conventions.
What do others think of this? Ideas?

many FAQ type things could be there. Such as how to pass multiple values
with a callback (with a struct or object), show some code conventions
how to work with that (quite recently somebody posted a short howto how
to do this).

Basically the framework of gtk applications could be explained.


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