Re: GtkTextView horizontal seperators...

Freddie Unpenstein wrote:
Greetings people of the list...

I was wondering if anyone knows how I could draw a horizontal red line
across a GtkTextView buffer.

I could probably throw in a GtkHSeperator widget, or something, but it's
not a red line.

Well, you can always use your own widget, which can be whatever you wish,
for instance a red line.

I could throw in an image which is a red line, but how would I get it to
stretch right across the width of the page?  (At the moment, I'm using a
250 pixel wide line, which only goes a short way).

Maybe you can try to connect to "size-allocate" signal of the text view
and resize your widget/image when it happens.

I'm sure there's numerous ways to do it, and they probably have various
pros and cons.  So the more the merrier...  :)

I recently wanted to do something similar to this, but didn't find an
easy way.  Luckily, I didn't need this badly, so I just added some text
tags instead.


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