And the clipboards lives on...

I'm wondering if anyone could give me pointers on placing some text in the clipboard, without it vanishing as 
soon as the program closes.

I write these two little test applications to see if I could put some text into the clipboard, and then read 
it back out again...

    // test program to read that data back again
    GtkClipboard *clip = gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD);
    char *text = gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text(clip);
    write(1, text, strlen(text));

Reading the clipboard works just fine.  If I copy something in another program, the above snippet prints it 
out just fine.

    // test program to write data to the clipboard
    GtkClipboard *clip =
    char bufr[] = "Please come home...";
    int len = strlen(bufr);
    gtk_clipboard_set_text(clip, bufr, len);
    // give me time to check that it went in okay
    g_timeout_add(10000, gtk_main_quit, NULL);

This one stores the text in the clipboard just fine, but as soon as the 10 seconds are over and the program 
quits, the text dissapears.

As I read the API, gtk_clipboard_store() is supposed to make the clipboard contents remain after the 
application has finished.  I assume I'm missing something...  Probably something fairly simple.  ;)

Any help would be much appreciated...  Yes again...  :)


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