Re: gtk_button

  thanks for reply, i am incrementing count just using a for loop, and
what ever the value variable is having will be displayed in gtk_entry.
like that i can able to display the increment value in gtk_entry. 

   now i have a gtk_button, when i press the button it has to pass the
signal to the gtk_entry and the count has to be stopped. once the button
pressed value in gtk_entry not supposed to increase(vary). in what way i
can proceed for it.



On Tue, 2005-06-28 at 07:38, Antonio Gomes wrote:

could you tell us how  you are increasing the count value !? 

I think you could easyly reach your goal making this handlering inside
the callback of button's "click" signal, or did I understood you wrong


On 6/27/05, srinivas <srinivas comodo com> wrote:

      i have a gtk_entry with incrementing count value. i have a
gtk_button, now when i pressed the button the count in gtk_entry has to
be stopped. how can i proceed for it.



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