Re: GTK+ 2.0, one button affecting another

try gtk_toogle_button_set_active(GTK_TOOGLE_BUTTON(widget), FALSE)
instead G_OBJECT or even gtk_toogle_button_set_active((GtkToogleButton
*)widget, FALSE);

On 7/26/05, flood <subflood gmail com> wrote:
Hello, In my application I have two buttons, normal and toggle, what I want
is when I press the normal button the toggle button would be released. Here
is the signal and callback function

g_signal_connect_swapped(GTK_OBJECT(button), "clicked",
G_CALLBACK(button_callback), G_OBJECT(toggle));

void button_callback(gpointer data, GtkWidget *widget)
if (active)
gtk_toggle_button_set_active(G_OBJECT(widget), FALSE);
active = FALSE;
g_print("Button is not active\n");

The thing is the program works but I get a warning when compiling:

warning passing arg 1 of 'gtk_toggle_button_set_active' from incompatible
pointer type

Sorry but I'm very new to GTK
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