Re: window and children resizable

Chris Vine wrote:

On Monday 11 July 2005 09:09, Luca Cappa wrote:
Chris Vine wrote:


It is a bit difficult to penetrate your question.  If you don't want the
contained widgets to have a minimum size then don't set the widgets to
have a minimum size.

For example, i would simply like to have inside a window a table with
two rows: then i add to the first row a widget whose request size is
(50, 100),
and to the second row another widget with request size equals to (50,
200). If I resize the window, the two widgets must keep their relative
dimensions, i.e.
on the vertical axis, 33% for the first widget,  66% for the second widget.

Passing a GtkAttachOptions value of (GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL) will do this for you.

I tryed it, and it seems to not be true. Indeed, if the window is at the minimu size (i.e. at the sum of all the request size of children), the relative dimension is exactly 33% and 66% on the Y. But if i resize it (making it taller), the table adds equally horiz. lines to both the cells, and not by adding lines by the cells' relative size. So as long as i enlarge it, the cells
will have equal size. You could try it in Glade too.

If your complaint is that it will not shrink to less than the minimum size you have set then either set smaller minimum sizes in the ratio you want or (better) don't set a minimum size at all.
I agree, but still i cant get rid of the above problem.


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