Re: g_io_channel

On 7/8/05, uzytkownik22 gazeta pl <uzytkownik22 gazeta pl> wrote:
I need to send a data structure over an io_channel. In the
manual, I found that the only available instruction to write data
in a
channel is:

GIOStatus   g_io_channel_write_chars        (GIOChannel *channel,
                                             const gchar *buf,
                                             gssize count,
                                             gsize *bytes_written,
                                             GError **error);

which needs a gchar* as the input data.. How can I send my data
structure with this command?

g_io_channel_write_chars(channel, (const gchar *)your_struct, sizeof
(your_struct), &written, errors);

Beware however that depending on the contents of your structure, you
may have some problems if you exchange data this way between machines
which do not have the same endian-ness (if it's on the same machine,
then no problem!).


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