compare entry with list

Hello Members

Please guide me why this operation fails logically for some values at
some times....

Dosent give a consistent behavior...

Please help...

Callback_Function_on_userid_entry(GtkWidget *entry)

const gchar *entry_text;
  entry_text = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry));

  g_print("\n Entry Text value = %s", entry_text);

  for ( i = 0; i <= articles->len - 1 ; i++ )
        g_print("\n User ID Values = %s \n", g_array_index (articles,
User, i).userid);

         if((memcmp(entry_text, g_array_index (articles, User,
i).userid, strlen(entry_text)) < 0) || (memcmp(entry_text,
g_array_index (articles, User, i).userid, strlen(entry_text)) < 0))
                if((memcmp(g_array_index (articles, User, i).userid,
entry_text, strlen(g_array_index (articles, User, i).userid)) != 0) ||
(memcmp(g_array_index (articles, User, i).userid, entry_text,
strlen(g_array_index (articles, User, i).userid)) != 0))
                        g_print("\n 2nd list of ID Values = %s \n",
g_array_index (articles, User, i).userid);



Thank you


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