
Hi all,

I'm desperately trying to implement a set of buttons in a gtkrc file which
has one button picture for when it has focus, one normal and one when it is
active - to simulate a visual keypress. I have this in my gtkrc:

style "pause_button"
    GtkWidget::focus_padding = 0
    GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0
    GtkWidget::interior_focus = 0
    engine "pixmap"
            function = FOCUS
            recolorable = FALSE
            file = "Buttons/pause_focus.png"
            border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
            stretch = TRUE
            function = BOX
            recolorable = FALSE
            state = ACTIVE
            shadow = IN
            file = "Buttons/pause_active.png"
            border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
            stretch = TRUE
            function = BOX
            recolorable = FALSE
            state = NORMAL
            shadow = OUT
            file = "Buttons/pause.png"
            border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
            stretch = TRUE
widget "*.pause" style "pause_button"

where i create a button and name it pause. This all seems to work alright
except if i leave in the function=FOCUS section when the button gets the
focus the correct button is displayed, but the active section doesn't work.
If i leave out the function=FOCUS section the active button is correctly
displayed, but, i suppose obviously, not the focus button. Can anyone help
me out!? This is possible isn't it?


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