Re: intercepting WM destroy signal

On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 03:16:44PM +0000, marcodev comcast net wrote:
In the GUI I'm developing I'd like to be able to save window information like size and placement when the 
user exits the application. I have connected the top level window to the destroy signal and placed the 
above mentioned functionality into the callback so it looks something like this:


The problem is that when the user clicks the window manager's close button in the window decorations, by 
the time the GET_WINDOW_SIZE() and GET_PANE_POSITIONS() execute the window seems to have been removed and 
HEIGHT, WIDTH, V_PANE_POS and H_PANE_POS return values of 0. This seemed to work well under GTK 1.2.x but 
now that I have moved this to GTK 2.6 it stopped behaving as expected.

I've seen programs that seem to "ignore" the WM close button, is there a way to do that in GTK? Any 

Connect to "delete_event" signal of the window.  If you
don't want to destroy the window on delete, return TRUE.


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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