Unicode, dirs and problem.

1. I don't know  how should be this function(Function is more
complicated, bun not so much to use regexs):
static gunichar *package_rel_path(const gunichar *package) G_GNU_MALLOC  {
     gunichar *ret;
     gsize iter;

     ret  = /* what here? */;

          return NULL;

     iter = 0;
     do {
            if(package[iter] == 'a')
                 ret[iter] = 'A';
                 ret[iter] = package[iter];
     } while(package[++iter[)

     return ret;


static gchar *package_rel_path(const gchar *package) G_GNU_MALLOC  {
      gchar *ret;
      gchar *ret_iter;

      ret_iter = ret = g_malloc0(strlen(package));

      do {
             gunichar c;
             c = g_utf8_get_char(package);
             if(package[iter] == 'a')
                 ret[iter] = 'A';
                 ret[iter[ = /* What's here? */;
      } while(*(ret_iter    =  g_utf8_next_char(ret_iter))
             && *(package = g_utf8_next_char(package));
      return ret;

2. I'd like to check if this dir exists(gchar/gunichar depends on
previous function).
Is it correct:
static gboolean package_path(gchar *path, GError **error) {
      GDir *dir;

             *error = NULL;

#ifndef G_OS_WIN32 /* Is it needed or g_filename_from_utf8 return utf8? */
      gchar *local;

      /* If gunichar what's here? */
      local = g_filename_from_utf8(path,  -1, NULL, NULL,  error);
      if(!error && *error)
             return NULL;

      dir = g_dir_open(local, 0, NULL);
      dir = g_dir_open(path, 0, NULL );
     if(dir) {
            return TRUE;
     return FALSE;

Thanks in advance.

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