Re: Combobox Focus Challenge!!!

Thanks a lot for your reply Keith. 


As you said, I should use gtk_combo_box instead of gtk_combo. 

But the problem remains the same with gtk_combo_box, the gtk_widget_grab_focus() is not working on it.

Do you have any idea for this behavior?




Keith Maika <keithm aoeex com> wrote:anmol dhawan wrote:

In the following attached code, gtk_widget_grab_focus() is not able to shift the focus to combobox.

The behavior should be: 

When button1 is clicked, focus should come to button and when button is clicked focus should come to 

But the focus is not coming on the combobox.

Why the focus is not coming on the combobox and which api should I use for this?

According to the docs, you supposed to use GtkComboBox now, and not 
GtkCombo. I don't know if that would have an effect as you have the 
code now or not, as I haven't used it. For a GtkCombo though, you have 
to set the focus on the entry widget that is contained inside the combo 
struct. So, you want code like this:


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