blocking, non-modal dialog?

I'm having trouble engineering the following: a dialog which blocks (execution in the caller must not proceed till a choice has been made in the dialog's callbacks), but is not modal (the user may want to consult other aspects of the gui in the process of making a choice).

Or rather, while the above is easy to achieve with gtk_main() in the dialog code itself and gtk_main_quit() in a callback to the "destroy" signal of the dialog window, the problem is that such a dialog stays open when my main app is closed.

I thought I could fix that with gtk_window_set_destroy_with_parent(), but this seems to disable the calling of gtk_main_quit. That is, when I add destroy_with_parent the dialog disappears OK when you exit the app, but the app hangs: the gui's gone but gtk_main is still running.

I must be missing something fairly obvious: could anyone tell me what it is? Thanks.

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC

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