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I have created some symbols for my program. Now I want to compile them into the

But I am now looking for the right function to create a GtkPixBuf from it.
Previously i used gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file

How can I get the same from following data ? Gimp has created this for me.
Is gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm_d the correct function ? if yes, how can
i use it ?

char *bitmap[]= {
"16 16 3 1",
"       c #FFFFFF",
".      c #FF0000",
"+      c #000000",
"       .........",
"       .........",
"       ..    +..",
"       ..   + ..",
"       ..  +  ..",
"       .. +   ..",
"       ..+    ..",
".........    +..",
".........   + ..",
"..    +    +  ..",
"..   +    +   ..",
"..  +    +    ..",
".. +    +    +..",
"..+    +    + ..",

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