moving the cursor of a treeview

Can anyone help me on this?  I can't find the answer I need in 
the treeview tutorial or the api reference or FAQ. I don't 
believe gtk_tree_view_set_cursor or 
gtk_tree_view_set_cursor_on_cell are what I want.

I have two coordinated "widgets"; a single-column browse-select 
treeview that navigates around a GtkTreeModel and a data entry 
screen that allows editing of the "current record".  The data 
entry screen also has buttons that allow me to navigate to an 
adjacent record.

When the user is interacting with the treeview everything is 
fine.  The user navigates around the tree, modifying whatever 
internal cursor there is and since it's a browse-select tree the 
current selection follows along.  I can then trap the 
"cursor-changed" signal, get the selection and tell the data 
entry screen to refocus on the new selection.

The problem is going the other way.  When the data entry screen 
navigates to a different record I want the tree to follow it.
I am able to get the TreePath that I want.

I tried using gtk_tree_view_set_cursor.  It makes the desired 
record selected but also leaves the other rows selected (on most 
occasions).  And when I tab back to the treeview the cursor is 
back to the top of the treeview.

Am I doing this wrong or am I meeting bugs in 2.2.4?

Bill Medland
mailto:billmedland mercuryspeed com

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