Re: GTK+, CYGWIN, MSW and GCC flagas

Hello Jamiil,

Writing the makefile with the proper flag for cygwin is a lot
less text than the contents of your email ;-) :

    COPT = -mms-bitfields -mno-cygwin
    DEBUG = -g -Wall
    INCLUDE = `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0`
    LDFLAGS = `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0` -mwindows
    SRC = foo.c \
    OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o)

    foo : $(OBJ)
            $(LINK.c) -o $@ $(OBJ) $(LDFLAGS)

Put this in a file called "Makefile", changed the SRC variable to
include the projects sources, save and then write make from the
cygwin shell. The result is an executable that is independant 
from cygwin.

Hope this helps.

Dov (who actually much prefers using scons instead of make)

On Mon, Apr 11, 2005 at 08:09:04AM -0400, Jamiil Abdullah-Alkadir wrote:
Before going any further, I would like to thank everyone involved in 
helping me find I solution to this problem, your help has been most 
valuable, specially yours Stefan; your help has been most welcomed.
I did check "Tor's" web page righ after reading your message; there I found 
out that one can compile a gtk program under cygwin that will be able to 
run on MSW machines just by using the '-mno-cygwin' flag.
I have not tested this flag and cannot make any assestment as to the 
certenty of Tor's statement for two reasons. I don't know how to use this 
falg and I don't want to spent the time finding out how it works knowing 
that the result could be unsatisfactory. Thus I have decided to post the 
folowing question to the group in the hope that someone might have had a 
previous encounter with this problem and be in a better possition to make a 
recomendation on this issue.

Before Thanks to everyone envolved in

From: Stefan Kost <ensonic hora-obscura de>
To: Jamiil Abdullah-Alkadir <jamiil_abdullah_alkadir hotmail com>
CC: gtk-list gnome org,  gtk-app-devel-list gnome org,  cygwin cygwin com
Subject: Re: GTK+, CYGWIN & MSW
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 08:51:34 +0200

Hi Jamiil,

that is normal when using Cygwin. If you want a native version use MingW 
together with the gtk+ builds e.g. Tor offers.


I have finally got an application to compile under cygwin, but to run it 
I have to launch the X server, 'startx' to be able to run the program 
under cygwin. However, I am not able to run the program form windows, I 
have added the 'cygwin.dll' and 'cygX11-6.dll' directories to the 
'autoexec.bat' '%path%'. the program just does not run. What can I do to 
get this fixed?


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