Re: [Gimp-developer] Console window on Win32

On Sat, 2004-09-18 at 03:41, Tor Lillqvist wrote:
Iago Rubio writes:
 > Do you know any native windows application that opens a DOS window for
 > show it's output ?

Surely you know that a console window has nothing to do with MS-DOS?

Yes of course I know :)

But in Windowsland it's commonly identified the console with the MS-DOS

<quote from="">
... the EXE universe into two camps: console apps and GUI apps. This
architecture goes back to the earliest days of Windows, when it first
evolved from MS-DOS ...

In fact, even console sessions in Windows terminal servers, defines its
own MS-DOS device namespace.

 > If you app hangs on Linux and you want to know it's output you've got to
 > redirect strderr/stdout to a file, or open a console window and run the
 > application from there.

 > The same can be done on windows.

Except that on Windows it's not "or", but "and". Just starting a GUI
application from a command shell in a console window doesn't make its
stderr and stdout connected.

True, but I think my point of view is still valid. No Windoze app opens
a console for output.

No windows user expect this behaviour.

I think when error logging is needed, those bits should be in hands of
the appplication's developer.

The developer can ship a "debuginfo" package with visible output, or
implement error logging to a file.

But error hunting is for power users not for all users, so I think it's
better to avoid as *default* behaviour to open a console for error
Iago Rubio         
- GPG Keyserv  * id=0x909BD4DD

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