Re: How move the mouse pointer using GTK ?

There's also XWarpPointer() in Xlib, though gdk does not seem to wrap
this (as far as I can see).

On Thu, 9 Sep 2004 13:38:57 +0200, Tobias Werth
<sitowert informatik stud uni-erlangen de> wrote:

Did you or anybody else solve this problem? I want to move the mouse pointer
to a definite position and found nothing about mouse movements in gtk API.

You can use the XTest-Extension for this task:

      { move mouse pointer off screen }
      XTestFakeRelativeMotionEvent(screen, -240, -170, 0);

Thank you for your fast reply. But I thought of a gtk/gdk solution, because I
wrote a program which should run under CYGWIN and Linux and I want to minimize
code differences between these two versions.
But if there's no such solution I will try your's for Linux and search for
another solution for windows.

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