Re: multiple compilations?

Jared Kells wrote:

I had the same problem.
I see you used the pkg-config with backticks. I had a lot of problems
getting this to work in Dev-Cpp and was getting the error you got
running the pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags at the dos prompt and copying
the output into the properties of my project seamed to help as long as I
put each -I and -L on a new line.

Hope this helps.

Thanks - this appears to work - there are still compile errors, some(all?)
appear to be related - it is good to make some progress  :-)

Daniel K. O. wrote:

If you don't mind, I'm interested in a more detailed
description, like what is the exact order of the
options (in the Project Settings window) when you get
the problem with `pkg-config ...`.
I want to know because I was never able to reproduce
this problem when using the way I described at
but I've seen half a dozen reprts of this same
problem; so I would like to update my page on how to
avoid it.

Daniel K. O.

The order is as on your page - I have used your template in some of my

My environment is as follows:

Windows 2000 Pro (up to date)

Dev C++ (up to date)

GTK+/Win32 -

I have also used wGlade and GTK4Win (pkg-config added) and WinGTK
(pkg-config added) and GTK as per your tutorial - same issue :-(


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