Re: compiling okay, success running gtk-app computer dependant

On Sat, 2004-11-27 at 15:37 +0100, edward hage wrote:

1: // name this program = time.c
2: #include <time.h>
3: #include <gtk/gtk.h>
5: // compiled with: gcc -g time.c -o time `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags --libs`
7: int main()
8: {
9:  struct tm tms;
10:  time_t current_time;
11:  GDate *date;
13:  current_time = time (NULL);
15:  tms = *localtime (&current_time);
16:  g_print("time is %d\n", time(NULL));
18:  g_date_set_time (date, current_time);
19:  g_print("day = %d\n", date->day);
20:  return 0;
21: }

The problem does not appear when I do not define tms (blank line 9 and 15)!! But the 
problem is that in my 'real' program I want to use both tms and current_time.

The segmentation fault occurs after that the first line is printed. So this must be at 

The big question is in my view: Is it a bug in glib / g_date_set_time that it can not deal 
with tms being defined or someting that is not okay with my computer?

I think the problem is that localtime(3) returns a pointer to a
statically allocated tm struct.  You should change line 9 to read:

        struct tm *tms;

and line 15 to read:

        tms = localtime (&current_time);

With these changes your program works on my Fedora Core 2 system.
Without the changes, your original code, I get a segmentation fault.


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