Is this a bug or is that how it's supposed to work?

HI all:

I have been testing various verions of this concept and heres how I
have narrowed it down. In my code I have a TOP_LEVEL_WINDOW (win). This
contains a CONTAINER (C) and in this container I add a GtkDrawingArea
widget. This is what I am seeing:

- If the container is an HBOX, VBOX, or an event box, then the graphics
drawn on the drawing area is visible. 
- If the container is a GtkFixed or GtkLayout, then the Gtkrawing area
is nolonger visible.

Is this what others are seeing as well.

I am trying to do a very simple thing: I have a pixbuf that I would
like to set as the GtkWindow's back ground. Then I would like to use
regular GtkWidgets to place over that pixmap/window using standard
layout managers.

Is there a way to set the background pixmap of a GtkWindow without
using a GtkDrwaing area? Can this pixmap be updated on the fly?

I would liek to do this in GTK without using any gnome libraries.



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