GtkComboBox GtkComboBoxEntry CellRenderers

  I'd like to ensure that the width of the items in my combo box are always
at least the size of the combobox or comboboxentry.  So, far I have this working
for combobox because I can get a pointer to the cellrenderer for the content of
the combobox.  I'm running into problems with comboboxentry because when i try to
create my own cellrenderer and also set the text-column. I end up getting two columns
in the dropdown box.

Here's a snip of what i'm trying to accomplish:

static void ensure_width( GtkCellLayout *cell_layout,
                          GtkCellRenderer *cell,
                          GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
                          GtkTreeIter *iter,
                          gpointer data )
  gint widget_width = GTK_WIDGET( cell_layout )->allocation.width;
  gint width;
  gtk_cell_renderer_get_fixed_size( cell, &width, NULL );
  if( width < ( widget_width - 10 ) ){
    gtk_cell_renderer_set_fixed_size( cell, widget_width - 10, -1 );
void construct_combo_box( ... )
  for( guint i = 0; i < columns, ++i ){


  GtkCellRenderer *renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new();
  gtk_cell_layout_pack_start( GTK_CELL_LAYOUT( combo_box ), renderer, TRUE );
  gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes( GTK_CELL_LAYOUT( combo_box ), renderer, "text", i, NULL );
  gtk_cell_layout_set_cell_data_func( GTK_CELL_LAYOUT( combo_box ),
                                      renderer, (GtkCellLayoutDataFunc)ensure_width,
                                      NULL, NULL );


  GtkListStore *store = gtk_list_store_newv( widget->data_values->len, types );
  gtk_combo_box_set_model( GTK_COMBO_BOX( widget->widget ), GTK_TREE_MODEL( store ) );
  gtk_combo_box_set_wrap_width( GTK_COMBO_BOX( widget->widget ), 1 );

  if( type == gtk_combo_box_entry_get_type() ){
    GtkEntryCompletion *completion = gtk_entry_completion_new();
    g_object_set( G_OBJECT( combo_box ), "text-column", text_column, NULL );
//    gtk_combo_box_entry_set_text_column( GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY( widget->widget ), text_column );
    gtk_entry_set_completion( GTK_ENTRY( gtk_bin_get_child( GTK_BIN( widget->widget ) ) ), completion );
    g_object_unref( completion );
    gtk_entry_completion_set_model( completion, GTK_TREE_MODEL( store ) );
    gtk_entry_completion_set_text_column( completion, text_column );


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