Re: Re: [Dev-C++] Help compiling a GTK+ program

Jameel Jaasab A'lkedir writes:
The follwing error is something I had never seen before, thus I
find it very alarming. I know that it is just because I am new at GTK+

gcc.exe: cannot specify -o with -c or -S and multiple compilations

CFLAGS = $(INCS)C:\Dev-Cpp\include\gtk-2.0 C:\Dev-Cpp\include\atk-1.0 C:\Dev-Cpp\include\pango-1.0 
C:\Dev-Cpp\lib\glib-2.0 C:\Dev-Cpp\include\glib-2.0 C:\Dev-Cpp\lib\glib-2.0 \include 

     $(CC) -c ../Downloads/Programs/Gtk/gtk/chapter2/gtkfun.c -o 
../Downloads/Programs/Gtk/gtk/chapter2/gtkfun.o $(CFLAGS)

This problem is not GTK+ related at all. The gcc error message says
what the problem is. You have both -c and -o, but gcc thinks you are
compiling multiple files. Your CFLAGS is screwed up. You have
forgotten the -I in front of the directory names. (And you have an
extra space in there.) 


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