Re: Viruses [was Re: Your text]

 I received quite a few this morning -- all of them had viruses. Luckly I rn
Linux :P)

  I think that someone on the list -- running win -- has his/her machine
infected and the virus is just sending emails using the address book.

   Perhaps the Windows users should be aware if that. 
 Unfortunately, I deleted my messages.

--- Tristan Van Berkom <vantr touchtunes com> wrote:
Amit BHATNAGAR wrote:
 > Is anyone else getting these emails? The attachment
 > is a virus, no?
 >>-----Original Message-----
 >>From: msw gimp org [mailto:msw gimp org]
 >>Sent: March 10, 2004 8:34 AM
 >>To: gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
 >>Subject: Re: Your text
 >>Here is the file.

     I didn't recieve that from gtk-app-devel-list if
thats any help.

Now I recieve alot of viruses like that every week
(although this week was sparse), but as a linux user,
I can't be sure they are viruses ;-).

Anyone heard of any email viruses that purpotrate linux systems ?

I have been recieving a bulk more of these type of emails supposidly
comming from lists... hmmm... just fakes like this one I assume.


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
gtk-app-devel-list gnome org

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