Tab stops in GtkTextView

Hello all,

The search option for the mailing list seems to be broken so bear with me if this was asked before.

I'm trying to implement tab stops in the GtkTextView widget for layout purposes. This is what I've done so far with no effect whatsoever.

tab_array = pango_tab_array_new_with_positions(2, FALSE, 100, PANGO_TAB_LEFT, 200, PANGO_TAB_LEFT);
gtk_text_view_set_tabs(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(info_text), tab_array);
gtk_text_buffer_insert(info_text_buf, &iter, "AAAA  \t BBBB \t CCCC", -1);

I get no compiler or run-time warnings. The tabs just don't seem to take effect they're always a fixed width (about a few characters). Am I suppose to be using \t for tabs?

Has this feature been implemented yet?


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