Treeview render new data.


In our application we are using a GtkListStore and
GtkTreeview to display application data. Once every
100ms will execute the following code:

model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(tableValues);
gtk_tree_view_set_model(tableValues, NULL);


.. append and set values in list store ..

gtk_tree_view_set_model(tableValues, model);

When we run the application, the updated values in the
list store will not be rendered to the tree without a
mouse event.  In other words, if you move the mouse
over the treeview window, the values will be updated.

Is there a simple way to trigger the treeview to
render new data in the list store?  I suspect I am
going to have use the gtk_cell_renderer_render
function for each column in my treeview, if so, does
any one have an example of how to set values for
background area, cell area, expose area, and render

Thanks in advance for the help,

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