Re: GtkFileChooser + preview widget + svg

Andreas Volz wrote:


I created a GtkFileChooser with preview widget in my application. It
works great and if I click on a non-previewable it displays nothing and
if I click on a previewable image it displays the image. But if I click
on a svg image my application crashes with a "Floating point exception".

If I try to debug my application with gdb it crashes while opening the
GtkFileChooser before I can click on something with:

Program received signal SIG32, Real-time event 32.
0x40436984 in pthread_getconcurrency () from /lib/
that's not a crash; it's perfectly normal when you run a multithreaded app through gdb (at least in my experience). if you type "handle SIG32 nostop noprint" at the '(gdb)' prompt before running the app, it'll run normally, and hopefully you can get a better backtrace at the FPE.


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